Wednesday, July 13, 2005

tinnitus blues

haven't posted in ages.

the ENT s say, "Stress and depression make tinnitus worse -- avoid them!"

big joke. this tinnitus condition is ALL stress and depression.

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I have a tinnitus blog set up so people can wrtie me (at tinnitusgo, and I've been getting the most heartbreaking letters

common comments: the doctors don't take tinnitus seriously, I am at the end of my rope.

very disturbing to me, as I CREATED this tinnitus blog so I'd hopefully pick up some useful information for helping me and other people who suffer with tinnitus / recruitment.

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blows me away, these letters. if the writers allow me, I'll re-print them. I'm pretty sure several people who wrote were suicidal with their tinnitus. It's a 24 hours a day problem. you can't shut it off like you do a TV set.

and bad doctors don't help at all.

the tinnitus blog is my other thing, more in depth, because I explicitly bring up medications, treatments, stuff to avoid, etc.

if you're inetersted in finding out who gave me this hideous problem, read:
tinnitus & fire alarms.

it's so frustrating that other people are going to harmed by the same apartment complex, who set off their fire alarms irresponsibily.

anyway, signing off. wish i had more positive to write about