Thursday, September 22, 2005

scumbags give you tinnitus

funny: my tinnitus posts are loved in some engines, but google is a fickle mistress and i keep having my tinnitus stuff zapped from there. DANG!

tinnitus is easier to acquire than to get rid of. for those of you who haven't read my stuff, i was given the GIFT of tinnitus against my will, by idiots checking an apartment fire alarm. they trapped me in a building for about 5 minutes, alarms blaring. i asked for a half a minute to put on clothes. longer story. too painful to go into. absolutely ruined my health. now it's difficult to sleep (tinnitus is too LOUD), and i am sound-sensitive ("recruitment").

i basically can't go outdoors; it's too noisy out there. even inside, i have problems. the sounds of airplanes. this causes TREMENDOUS pain in my ears, and makes the squeals, hiss and bumble-bee tinnitus sounds much worse. Even someone talking loud can do that!

pretty horrible. the apartment complex treated me very poorly, not wanting to get involved in my doctor's bills probably. since i've been incapacitated from this (i have to rely on other people to go GROCERY SHOPPING for me), i contacted a few lawyers, but we're evidently not allowed to sue people when they ruin our health.

big business special interest has been so effective at promoting "nuisance lawsuits" that there's no way for me to even lodge a complaint. and more people will continue to be injured; this group is reckless with the fire alarms, exposing people to needless risk.

they stuff way more fire alarms into the apartments than is necessary. see, there are laws about having TOO FEW fire alarms in an apartment -- but not too many.


i truly wish the fire alarm testers had simply shot me in the head. for those of you lucky enough to no suffer from this, you probably cannot understand this.

noises that aren't very loud to other people are EXCRUCIATINGLY loud and painful to me now. i was in the shower shampooing the other day, and, rubbing my ear caused enough trauma-volume to cause me to go temporarily deaf for about 90 seconds (followed by pain and tinnitus hissing and "kick-drum pounding"

if you suffer from this condition, you have no friends, because no one can understand it. you keep shushing people -- who always talk too loud. trouble is, once my ears have the trauma from high volume (now it can be anything: the beeps at teh supermarket check-out counter, the sound of a faraway airplace) -- the effects of this last for DAYS or WEEKS.

so, you get protective of your ears. you don't go out.

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jefferson canayon apartments austin texas were the people responsible for hurting me. they broke MANY laws, but in texas laws are selectively enforced. (they didn't give tenants 24 hrs notice of a fire alarm test, etc etc)


the manager at jefferson canyon apartments ASSURED me that fire alarms would continue to go off for no reason. "We have no control over them" (meaning, i think, that they malfunction, or other tenants set them off)

BUT... in any other situation, i would have been out of the apartment pretty quick when the alarms sounded. I WAS TRAPPED IN THERE BY THE FIRE ALARM TESTERS.

i'd asked for "20 seconds" to put on some pants (it was 8:30 AM, I was in pajamas)
so the IDIOT TEXAN fire alarm tester let's me go do that -- than says: "We have too much work to do today, I'm setting them off."

i was completely trapped. in the middle of changing clothes. i'd shut the door for privacy. i pressed my ears closed, hoping the alarm would stop, but after about a minute i took my fingers away from my ears.

had to get on my pajama bottoms (i hadn't had time to get my pants). i had to leave my wallet and move to open the bedroom door. i had to PUSH PAST the fire alarm guys, who were blocking my way in the entry way. i had to move toward the front door, which had been closed and bolted.

then i had to race out of the building, barefoot.

it took a few minutes, and that was enough time to ruin my hearing.

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the jefferson canyon apartments austin are a christian based organization. but they are christians like george bush is a christian. they ruined my health permanently, and i really do wish the alarm testers had shot me in the head; the level of suffering from this is unbearable.

jefferson canyon apartments, austin texas. rent there at you own peril