tinnitus hell
jpi property management (AKA jefferson cyn apartments austin) gave me my tinnitus. rent from them at you own risk. there are a christian organization, but that doesn't stop them from permanently injuring people. or treating you like dirt after the injury, since they want to protect themselves from legal action.
if these people are going to "heaven", i want no part of that place.
NEW TINNITUS BLOG is my new improved tinnitus blog. I HAVE ALOT OF TIME ON MY HANDS TO WORK ONLINE NOW, SINCE JEFFERSON CANYON APARTMENTS RUINED MY HEARING. i can't go outside, because everyday noises cause severe ear pain, and make my symptoms worse.
the tinnitus symptoms include a highpitched squeal in my left ear; sometimes it's a steady pitch, other times it's like morse code. i also get a bassy tone in that ear, like a bumble bee is slowly flying by. my right ear has a thump, like a kick drum. sometimes it's continuous, and modulates a little in pitch.
there is also hissing. the hissing comes and goes, but all the other lovely symptoms go non-stop 24/7. it's enough to drive you crazy.
i refuse to apologise for the rant; JPI is a DANGEROUS ORGANIZATION and THEY WILL INJURE OTHERS. they promised me as much. i explained to the manager of jefferson cyn apartments that the guys they sent to test their fire alarms had trapped me in a building, while they triggered them.
she said they have no control over the fire alarms, and that they would continue to malfunction intermittently.
i said, you didn't hear what i just said. I told you, i saw TRAPPED in the building...
she repeated herself.
they also are required by texas law to give 24 hours notice BEFORE they test fire alarms, something they did not do.
someone in the office told me they'd had complaints about that: not giving fire alarm notice.
but, it seems that companies are very casual about obeying laws, when they have no consequences from breaking them.
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TINNITUS & ZESTRIL is another link, about me trying to treat my tinnitus with the medication zestril.
other links: TINNITUS & DOXEPIN. this is a strange one -- doxepin GIVES some people tinnitus, and doxepin HELPS some people who already HAVE tinnitus.
i am paying for all these medications out of pocket, since jpi properties / jefferson canyon apartments austin is able to subvert the laws of texas to permanently injure tenants. this may not be an unusual thing in texas. it is a great state to be a business owner. you certainly don't have to be inconvienienced obeying laws.
one attorney i contracted said he was looking for a disfigured baby. "That's the kind of client i need to win a lawsuit in texas."
of course, no one cares about the absurdness of this UNTIL THEY ARE THE ONES WHO GET HURT.
i have a 24 hour a day reminder of the injury.
I WAS FINE, AND 5-10 MINUTES LATER I HAD TINNITUS AND RECRUITMENT. your health can change that dramatically, that quickly. (And it probably WILL if you live in JEFFERSON CANYON APARTMENTS AUSTIN)
again, new links:
DOES ZESTRIL HELP TINNITUS?, and new tinnitus blog
this is interesting:
TINNITUS & AIRBAGS is about how people are getting tinnitus when their car airbags deploy.
TINNITUS was my homepages, and
TINNITUS & LOUD NOISE is about how loud noise can cause permanent tinnitus (It did for me -- THANK YOU, JPI / JEFFERSON CANYON APARTMENTS, for the gift of tinnitus
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